Lakeside United Methodist Church
We envision Lakeside UMC to be God's HANDS in our community and beyond:
Hospitable, Always Faithful, Nurturing, Discipleship, Service.
We are a community of Christ followers who are striving to: worship God in all we say and do; love God and neighbor alike; and serve God by acting as the HANDS of Christ in our community and world. We do all these things imperfectly, but always with the goal of glorifying God.
Lakeside UMC is a fellowship of believers who are united together under the common goals of worshipping God, loving one another and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. All are welcome here. Whether you are a life-long follower of Christ or just wanting to know more about what it means to live in relationship with Christ, you can find a home here.
Lakeside UMC is a safe place where all can journey in faith together, bringing our celebrations, our doubts, questions, affirmations and more into the shared life of a community of faith.
Glorifying God through our worship.
Offering our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness because God first gave to us.
Acting as the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
Lamb's Basket
Lakeside Elementary School
Nurturing disciples toward faith maturity.
Vacation Bible School
Arts Camp
United Methodist Men
Safe Sanctuaries Policy