
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

— Matthew 19:14

Jesus encourages the little children to come to him. We believe in providing many opportunities for children to get to know Jesus and His love for them.

Shown here are some of the ways Lakeside is connecting children to Jesus.

Sunday School

Beginning at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday morning children have fun engaging lessons which help them get to know Jesus while laying the foundations for a lifetime of faith. Children from pre-school to age 12 are welcome.

Children's Church

Children are always welcome to attend our worship services. However, we also provide the opportunity to children to worship in ways which are age appropriate for them. Following the Children's Sermon in our morning worship service the children as well as their adult leaders worship in a separate space.

The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday when we all worship together. There is no Children’s Sermon on these Sundays.


We do offer a nursery for children ages pre-school to age 5. The nursery is supervised by at least two adults at all times. Parents are welcome to stop in at any time to check on their children.

As a reminder, Lakeside UMC does have a Child Protection policy which guides our engagements with all our children and youth. You can find more information about our Child Protection policy on this website.