Frequently Asked Questions

May I have my wedding at Lakeside UMC?

We are not a wedding venue for non-member weddings. If you are a Lakeside UMC member, please contact the church office and the pastor to begin the process of scheduling a wedding.

What are your regular worship times?

Currently, our In-Person worship is at 11:00 am each Sunday morning in our Sanctuary. It is livestreamed online and can be found on our Facebook page.  Previous services can also be viewed by visiting our YouTube page.

How can I find out more about the ministries of Lakeside UMC?

For information about the mission and ministries of Lakeside UMC, contact the pastor.

How can I become a member of Lakeside United Methodist Church?

Contact the pastor by phone or email to set an appointment regarding membership. If you have been baptized in another Christian denomination, it will not be necessary for you to be baptized again.

We accept and believe in one baptism by water and the Spirit. Once you have had your questions answered and completed a New Member Form, we will select a time of worship when you wish to join and to be welcomed into the community.

What are the steps for having our child baptized, or for being baptized as a youth or adult?

Contact the pastor to make an appointment regarding your interest in a baptism. He will gladly meet with you and take you through the steps of this holy sacrament.

Do you have to be a member to receive Holy Communion?

No. In the United Methodist Church, we believe in an open table for communion where all are welcome. We believe that the sacrament of Holy Communion is an act of God’s grace extended to everyone.

You do not have to be a member of this church or even be a United Methodist; you need only be seeking Christ who is present in and through the sacrament.

How can I set up a time to meet one of the pastors?

You may contact the pastor by email or phone. Email addresses and biographic information can be found on our Staff page.

Do you have a nursery during worship and Sunday school?

We provide childcare on Sunday mornings beginning at 10:30 a.m. for children up to age 4. The greeters and ushers can take you to the nursery.

Do you have a Child Protection policy?

Yes. We believe that church should be a safe place for all persons especially children. The Lakeside UMC Child Protection Policy assists us in creating and providing that safe environment for our children and youth.

Are children welcome in worship?

Yes! We want children to know from the earliest age possible that they are beloved children of God and an important part of the worshiping community.

How can I make a contribution to support the ministries of Lakeside United Methodist Church?

Please visit our 4 Ways to Give page for more information.

Is your building handicap accessible?

Lakeside UMC is committed to making our church a comfortable, accessible place for everyone. We continue to work toward complete accessibility and currently offer:
    •  Wheelchair accessible restroom
    •  Entry ramp
    •  Elevator to lower floor
    •  Assisted hearing devices
    •  Large-print Bibles, hymnals, and worship bulletins
    •  Handicap accessible parking spaces

Where is the main entrance to your building?

Our building, including our Sanctuary is accessible through the covered awning entrance located off of our parking lot.

What attire is appropriate for Sunday worship?

All forms of attire are welcome for worship. You will see everything from coats and ties for men to casual dresses, slacks, jeans and even shorts in the summer months. Please dress comfortably and respectfully. We are glad to have you join us for worship.