“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness ...”
— 1 Timothy 3:16

Sunday School
At Lakeside we take seriously our responsibility to help people grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. One way that happens is through the shared experience of reading, studying and reflecting on scripture not only individually but in group settings on Sunday mornings before worship.
Everyone is welcome to visit our adult Sunday School classes to see which one might be best for you. You don’t have to know your Bible front to back, you only need to be willing to ask your questions, express your doubts and journey with other Christians as you grow together.
We currently have four adult Sunday morning classes. Each are unique so you are encouraged to check them all out as you like. Each class is led by a lay person and they typically begin about 9:45 am each Sunday.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Our pastor leads the Wednesday Morning Bible Study group. This group which averages 15-20 participants studies, discusses and learns together. A wide range of studies and topics are covered in this group. All are welcome including occasional visitors.
For more information, contact the pastor who will be happy to speak with you about this bible study group.